We are the Church that sits beside the road where Everybody is Somebody and GOD is All

Union Baptist Church Covid-19 Church Guidelines
In order for us to come together and safely worship, we have established these worship guidelines
Please know that the church has been professionally cleaned and sanitized for our safety.
This is our new guidelines and the changes to out program outline.
Please assist us as we press forward to maintain a normal and safe service.
Our services will begin promptly at 11:15 A.
We ask that everyone arrive by 11:00AM so that everyone can be safely seated an in place at the start of service.
The downstairs will be locked at 11:00AM to encourage use of the front door entrance.
Enter into the Sanctuary
Members will be greeted outside the front door of the sanctuary and we ask that you please practice social distancing. (about six feet apart).
The ushers on the landing will check your temperature for the detection of fever.
Those that have a temperature of 100.00 degrees or higher with be asked not to enter the building and encouraged to go get tested for the Covid-19 virus.
Before entering, you need to be wearing a mask. One can be provided if you need one. You will also be given the program, an giving envelope, and a writing instrument if needed..
Upon entering the vestibule tand proceeding into the sanctuary, an usher will escort you to your seat. Seating will take place from front to back as directed by the user. We ask that you please follow the ushers instructions and take the seat offered to you by the user. Seating has been outlined to insure CDC social distancing guidelines.
If you need to use the elevator, please sanitize your hand after use
Morning Worship Service
Devotional service will be conducted from the Pulpit
Please remain in your seated area during the altar call, do not approach the front to kneel or be seated.
Benevolent offering and tithes will take place in the vestibule upon departure from the service.
On communion Sunday, you will receive your communion package upon entering the church for service.
Please remain in your seats until the ushers direct departure. Departure will take place from the rear to the front.
Outside the vestibule on the landing you are to place any material, or trash in the containers provided. Please do not leave anything on your seat.